Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Three Amigos

I love AWANA!  I love watching kids learn scripture and have fun together at church.  But, let me tell you, some nights when we leave I am ready to pull my hair out!  Case in point:  last week these three little guys decided to check out the baptistery before AWANA began.
I decided to keep that between me and Cooper (and Kamdyn) and we talked about it on the way home.  I think I threatened him within an inch of his life because Kam chimed in that he was also on the piano (a baby grand, mind you!) and trying to get on the "preacher stand."

Our secret didn't stay a secret very long because right after the kids were in bed Mark asked me if there was something I needed to tell him.  He had gotten a text from the preacher that the "three amigos," (aka his son, my nephew, and Cooper) were in the baptistery and we might want to address it, mainly for safety reasons.  I'm pretty sure that Cooper won't be doing it again anytime soon.....I joked that I hoped we hadn't scarred him for life about baptism with all the talk about staying out of the baptistery!   I'm pretty sure this is just the beginning of what these little guys are going to get into!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Sis I have actually missed your blog! Crazy, huh? Anyway, glad you are back at it. I Bub