Friday, February 24, 2012

Kindergarten Registration

We took Cooper to register for kindergarten last Thursday night.  Where has the time gone?  It was also parent/teacher conference so we left Kam at home with Mimi and Pop while we went.  I think Cooper was excited to go, but I had to explain that we weren't actually starting kindergarten until August. 

Mark and Cooper right before we went in....I must tell you that we threatened Cooper with an inch of his life if he acted up there.  I didn't want him getting a reputation before school even started! 
He did pretty good while we filled out all the paperwork.  We were there for a while because I talked a lot (imagine that!) but Mrs.Judy took him to one of the kindergarten rooms to show him the gerbil or crab or whatever critter was in there while I finished the paperwork.  He thought that was pretty cool!
He was so good while we met with Kam's teacher and she even commented that he was so "calm." she talking about Cooper?  Mark told her it was because he threatened him before we came!

We saw Kam's friend, Dane, and his family after the conference.  They have two other boys that go to Fun Time with Cooper as well.  We ended up in the library with them debating their teacher thing I know I see boys running around the library and I assumed it was theirs (because there's more of them!) but then I saw Cooper run out from behind a book rack.  I just about died and, of course, Mark is nowhere to be found!  

He was out in the hall with Dane's dad, straightening out a little prank they pulled on the AR points wall.  They took Kam's name off the wall to try to fool us, but they didn't know that I had already taken a picture of it!  I'll have to write more about this AR competition between us and the Stephenson's later because it's pretty cute. 
I told Mark as we left that we almost had the school fooled with Cooper.... so close!  I'm fairly certain, at least in my mind, that a few teachers had their eye on him and he may have a label already!  We shall see!

We went to el Bismarcko for dinner afterwards and it was nice to spend that one-on-one time with Cooper and talk about kindergarten.  After that, we had to pick Kam up and give her a play-by-play of what her teacher said about her.  The girl wanted all the details! 

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