Sunday, December 27, 2009

Somebody's Been Very Good

Actually, I think I just whined and moaned enough for the last month about Mark never surprising me or making any effort with gifts that he was determined to prove me wrong this year--and he did! I was secretly hoping he would get me a new camera but I was afraid to get my hopes up! So I was SUPER. EXCITED. to get this little baby on Christmas morning!!
I've been dying for a new camera (and especially this one--it does video and everything!) since the vacation incident with my other one. I didn't want to just go buy a cheap camera so I've borrowed Mom and JJ's and gone without until I could get what I wanted! I found this under the tree on Christmas Eve night. I actually made the mistake of telling Mark that if he really wanted to surprise me he should have hidden it until Christmas morning. I had to repent of that comment later! He tried to trip me up by wrapping a note and sending me on a hunt for the camera. I must brag on him.... he did a great job and I was surprised!! And I know you all are so excited for me to begin posting pictures again! I told him my loyal blog following (all 5 of you!) would be excited for me too!

And, by the way, I actually stuck to the deal this year about not buying presents for each other so I felt like a heel when he had nothing other than some new socks. Hey... I bought him a Wii last year to surprise him and he took it back. Trying already to think of something good for his birthday next month to make up for it!


Sherri Smith said...

LOVE IT!!! I really want a new camera so bad! My flash has stopped working on my Sony and I am so sick about it. I want an SLR next definitely! Can't wait to see your pics.

harris1013 said...